SEPTEMBER 3rd | Day 3
Today’s challenge involves a little more creativity. You are challenged to document your own cryptozoological discovery somewhere in the city of Chicago. Cryptozoology is the study of fictional extinct or folkloric beings (think jackalopes, chupacabras, bigfoot.) Feel free to be as silly or serious as you need to be. Responses can be photographic, drawn, written. The only rules are that there are no rules. #uncannyspecimens
The UNCANNY SPECIMENS scavenger hunt set of 30 daily challenges that will be posted on the blog and social media during the month of September. All challenges may be completed at any point during the month as long as they are posted by midnight September 30th/October 1st. Prizes will be awarded not only for the greatest number of challenges completed, but also those fulfilled most creatively and hilariously. Sometimes they are as simple as investigating artists’ online portfolios and/or utilizing library resources. Sometimes you have to go a little further afield and/or use a little creativity/ingenuity. Some are located on the CCC campus, some in the city, some in virtual space. Indulge your curiosity, flex your scholarly and creative minds, and join us for some good old fashioned shenangans. All participants welcome, near and far! You can use any means of social media to participate—Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr—but you must use the #uncannyspecimens for us to find your entry. It’s that simple.
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